The Maryland Statistical Analysis Center coordinates with the Maryland Department of State Police to access data pertaining to crime. As part of a well-established initiative to assess and monitor crime in the United States, the Federal Bureau of Investigation collects data from law enforcement agencies across the country. In 2021, this Uniform Crime Report (UCR) program transitioned from a Summary Reporting Statistics (SRS) format, which recorded incidents of crime, to a National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) format, which includes the offender, victim, and offenses involved in each crime incident. Given this change in reporting, two dashboards are available to view these data for Maryland law enforcement agencies.
The Center created the Historic Crime Dashboard which includes crime statistics at the county, municipal, and State level collected under SRS.
Created and shared by the Maryland Department of State Police, the Maryland National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) Dashboard includes crime statistics at the State level. The Maryland Department of State Police provides the statistics, through the Maryland Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, which consists of all incidents reported by Maryland law enforcement agencies. Please select this link to view additional dashboards created by the Maryland Department of State Police.
The DNA Evidence Collection Dashboard illustrates information regarding crime scene DNA evidence, as required by Section 2-514 of the Public Safety Article . Data reflected in this dashboard is biennially reported by law enforcement agencies in Maryland.
As required by Chapters 359 and 360 of 2008, this dashboard illustrates law enforcement’s use of interrogation rooms, to include the number of rooms as well as those rooms that have audio or visual recording capabilities and the funding source for their rooms over time. Data reflected in the dashboard is reported by law enforcement agencies each year through an online survey.
Pursuant to Transportation Article § 25–113(f)(2) , this dashboard includes traffic stop data, including race of the driver, reason for the stop, and whether an arrest occurred, from law enforcement agencies across Maryland. Data reflected in this dashboard is provided by the Maryland Department of State Police annually.
In accordance with Chapters 619 and 658 of 2016 (House Bill 336/Senate Bill 161), the Seizure and Forfeiture Dashboard captures a variety of information on seizures and forfeitures across Maryland and presents it in a way to allow users to select one or more data elements (date, agency, county, and property disposition) to view results. Data reflected in this dashboard is reported by law enforcement agencies in Maryland.
In accordance with Chapters 542 and 543 of 2009 (Senate Bill 447/House Bill 1267), the SWAT Team Deployments Dashboard captures the most current data on SWAT team deployments available, and presents it in a way to allow users to select one or more data elements to view results. Data reflected in this dashboard is reported by law enforcement agencies in Maryland.
Pursuant to Criminal Procedure Article, § 10-219(b)(6), this dashboard illustrates information regarding juveniles charged as adults in Maryland, including trends by year, charges by offense type, exclusionary offenses, and demographics. It also allows users to select one or more data elements to view results. Data reflected in this dashboard is provided by the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services’ Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS).
This dashboard illustrates information regarding the jail population for local facilities, including those awaiting trial and those sentenced to incarceration. It also captures the percent of pretrial inmates, length of stay, and includes data trends which have been tracked since the inception of the Justice Reinvestment Act. The dashboard allows users to select one or more data elements to view results. Data presented in this dashboard is reported on a monthly basis by local detention centers and submitted to the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services, who then provides it to the Center.
In accordance with Chapters 526 and 527 of 2019, this dashboard illustrates restrictive housing (sometimes colloquially referred to as “solitary confinement”) information . Data reflected in this dashboard is obtained by local correctional facilities to fulfill this legislative requirement.
In accordance with the federal Death in Custody Reporting Act (Public Law No. 113-242) and § 3–507 of the Public Safety Article, this dashboard captures deaths in custody and deaths involving a law enforcement officer in Maryland. Data reflected in this dashboard is obtained from law enforcement agencies, local jails, correctional institutions, medical examiners, and other state agencies.
Executive Director Dorothy Lennig
Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention and Policy
Main Office: 100 Community Place, Crownsville, MD 21032
Victim Services - Criminal Injuries Compensation Board (CICB): 6776 Reisterstown Rd, Suite 209
Baltimore, MD 21215