Police Record Checks

Our Customer Service Desk is currently closed for in-person applications. However, please note:

There are 3 types of Police Record Checks that Guelph residents may apply for, it is the applicant's responsibility to know what level of check they require. Click on any of the links below or watch our "Differences in Types of Record Checks" video for more information.

Two pieces of government-issued identification, as well as proof of residency within the City of Guelph (see below for acceptable pieces of identification), are required to complete your record check.

Acceptable Pieces of Identification

Note: Social Insurance Numbers (SIN) are not acceptable for identification purposes. Ontario Health Cards cannot be accepted for identification purposes (Health Cards and Numbers Control Act, 1991 section 2.2(1))

Your proof of address identification must include your name and the City of Guelph Address. If your current Guelph address is not on your identification, you must bring proof of residency (Utility bills, rental lease agreement, University of Guelph MyHousing, Student Report Cards, Bank Statements, etc.)

You must be a current resident within the city limits of Guelph and have proof of that Guelph address.

Please note: THIS IS A NON-REFUNDABLE PROCESS. IN ORDER TO RECEIVE A RECORD CHECK WITH GUELPH POLICE SERVICE, YOU MUST CURRENTLY RESIDE WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF GUELPH. If you continue with this application and it is determined that you do not reside within the City of Guelph, the monies paid will not be refunded. If you are unsure if you reside within the city limits of Guelph, please contact the City of Guelph or check this website to confirm whether you live within the city limits of Guelph.

Frequently asked questions

Click on any of the questions below to learn more.

See our Fingerprinting web page for more information on the process.

Record checks are non-refundable. It is essential that you are aware of which type of record check you require and that you check your address is within the city limits of Guelph before applying for a record check.

You will receive an email explaining the reason your application was voided. If you have further questions, please contact Customer Service.

Applicants will be requested to come in to be fingerprinted in two circumstances.

  1. To confirm the applicant’s criminal conviction if applicable:
  2. To complete a Level 3 - Police Vulnerable Sector Check:

The Guelph Police Service only does fingerprinting for GPS police record checks. Otherwise, applicants will need to attend an accredited fingerprinting company to have their fingerprints taken for the purposes of adoptions, foreign travel, citizenship, record suspension, and permanent residency. To obtain a list of accredited fingerprint companies contact the RMCP at CCRTIS-SCICTR@rcmp-grc.gc.ca.

Sometimes the system generated email is considered as spam by your service provider and goes to your junk folder. Please check your junk folder, otherwise give us a call.

Click on the forgot password option. A link will be sent to your email account. Access your email and click on the link to reset the password. If you require further assistance, please contact guelphsupport@onlinepolice.check.ca or call (226) 314-0672.

Customer Service can be contacted by sending an email to customerservice@guelphpolice.ca or by phoning the Guelph Police Service at 519-824-1212 extension 7321.

For more information about Ontario’s legislation on Record Checks, please see the Police Record Checks Reform Act.

For information about RCMP processes, please visit the RCMP website for more information on criminal record checks.

For further information regarding the GPS record checks process, please contact Customer Service.