
Learning how to live healthy is easier when you’ve got some help to find your way. That’s what Rally® is all about.

It’s a website and mobile app that helps you learn simple ways to take care of yourself – from being more active to eating better. When you start making small changes and adding healthy habits to your everyday life, you start moving toward better health management, which helps you live a full, active life.

Rally makes it easy to make small changes, step by step

Get started and you’ll get a custom-created program designed to help you live healthier.

Enjoy the rewards

You’ll earn Rally coins when you complete your missions, complete a challenge – or even just for logging in once a day. You can use the coins to enter to earn rewards for all that good work! It’s a great way to experience the rewards of healthy living every day.

Already a Rally member or want to get started?

Sign in to see if you have Rally or if you already have a Rally account.


Rally Health is provided to most members who receive UnitedHealthcare coverage through their employer.

Rally Health provides health and well-being information and support as part of your health plan. It does not provide medical advice or other health services, and is not a substitute for your doctor's care. If you have specific health care needs, consult an appropriate health care professional. Participation in the health survey is voluntary. Your responses will be kept confidential in accordance with the law and will only be used to provide health and wellness recommendations or conduct other plan activities.